Source code for sparkly.hive_metastore_manager

# Copyright 2017 Tubular Labs, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

import logging
import re

from pyspark.sql import DataFrame
from pyspark.sql.types import StructType

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class SparklyHiveMetastoreManager(object): """A set of tools to interact with HiveMetastore.""" def __init__(self, hc): self.hc = hc def table(self, table_name): return Table(self, table_name)
[docs] def get_all_tables(self): """Returns all tables available in metastore. Returns: list """ return [o.tableName for o in self.hc.sql("SHOW TABLES").collect()]
[docs] def create_table(self, table_name, schema, location, partition_by=None, table_format=None, properties=None): """Creates table in Hive Metastore. Args: table_name (str): name of new Table. schema (pyspark.sql.dataframe.DataFrame): schema. location (str): location of data. partition_by (list): partitioning columns. table_format (str): default is parquet. properties (dict): properties to assign to the table. Returns: Table """ create_table_sql = _get_create_table_statement( table_name, schema, partition_by=partition_by, location=location, table_format=table_format, ) self.hc.sql(create_table_sql) if properties: table_manager = Table(self, table_name) for key, val in properties.items(): table_manager.set_property(key, val) if partition_by: self.hc.sql('MSCK REPAIR TABLE {}'.format(table_name)) return Table(self, table_name)
[docs] def replace_table(self, table_name, schema, location, partition_by=None, table_format=None): """Replaces table `table_name` with data represented by schema, location. Args: table_name (str): Table name. schema (pyspark.sql.dataframe.DataFrame): schema. location (str): data location, ex.: s3://path/tp/data. partition_by (list): fields the data partitioned by. Returns: Table """ old_table = '{}_OLD'.format(table_name) temp_table = '{}_NEW'.format(table_name) table_manager = Table(self, table_name) old_table_props = table_manager.get_all_properties() self.create_table( temp_table, schema, location=location, partition_by=partition_by, properties=old_table_props, table_format=table_format, ) self.hc.sql(""" ALTER TABLE {} RENAME TO {} """.format(table_name, old_table)) self.hc.sql(""" ALTER TABLE {} RENAME TO {} """.format(temp_table, table_name)) self.hc.sql(""" DROP TABLE {} """.format(old_table)) return self.table(old_table)
[docs]class Table(object): """Represents a table in HiveMetastore. Provides meta data operations on a Table. """ def __init__(self, hms, table_name): self.hms = hms self.hc = hms.hc self.table_name = table_name
[docs] def exists(self): """Checks if table exists. Returns: bool """ return self.table_name in self.hms.get_all_tables()
[docs] def set_property(self, name, value): """Sets table property. Args: name (str): Name of the property. value (str): Value of the proporty. Returns: Table: Self. """ self.hc.sql("ALTER TABLE {} SET TBLPROPERTIES ('{}'='{}')".format( self.table_name, name, value )) return self
[docs] def get_property(self, name, to_type=None): """Gets table property. Args: name (str): Name of the property. to_type (type): Type to coarce to, str by default. Returns: any """ if not to_type: to_type = str df = self.hc.sql("SHOW TBLPROPERTIES {}('{}')".format(self.table_name, name)) prop_val = df.collect()[0].result.strip() if 'does not have property' not in prop_val: return to_type(prop_val)
[docs] def get_all_properties(self): """Returns all table properties. Returns: dict: Property names to values. """ res = self.hc.sql(""" SHOW TBLPROPERTIES {} """.format(self.table_name)).collect() return dict([item.result.split() for item in res])
[docs] def df(self): """Returns dataframe for the managed table. Returns: pyspark.sql.dataframe.DataFrame """ return self.hc.table(self.table_name)
def _get_create_table_statement(table_name, schema, location, partition_by=None, table_format=None, ): """Converts pyspark schema to hive CREATE TABLE definition. Args: table_name (str): Name of a table. schema (dict|pyspark.sql.dataframe.DataFrame|pyspark.sql.types.StructType): \ Source of schema. Dict should be in format of result of method DataFrame.jsonValue() location (str): Table data path, s3 bucket path (or hdfs if you like). partition_by (list|None): List of partitioning fields. format (str): Format of tables data files. Returns str: Create table statement. """ if isinstance(schema, DataFrame): schema = schema.schema.jsonValue() elif isinstance(schema, StructType): schema = schema.jsonValue() if not table_format: table_format = 'PARQUET' if not partition_by: partition_by = [] columns = [] partitions_map = {} for field in schema['fields']: logger.debug('Analyzing :: {} :: '.format(field['name'])) if field['name'] in partition_by: partitions_map[field['name']] = '`{}` {}'.format(field['name'], _type_to_hql(field)) else: columns.append( '`{}` {}'.format(field['name'], _type_to_hql(field)) ) if not partition_by: return 'CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE `{}` ({}) ' \ 'STORED AS {} ' \ 'LOCATION \'{}\''.format(table_name, ', '.join(columns), table_format, location) else: return 'CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE `{}` ({}) ' \ 'PARTITIONED BY ({}) ' \ 'STORED AS {} ' \ 'LOCATION \'{}\''.format(table_name, ', '.join(columns), ', '.join(partitions_map[item] for item in partition_by), table_format, location) # simple df types map to hive types _type_map = { 'string': 'string', 'float': 'float', 'double': 'double', 'long': 'bigint', 'integer': 'int', 'timestamp': 'timestamp', 'boolean': 'boolean', 'date': 'date', } _type_map_re = [ # input regexp, output template (re.compile(r'decimal\((?P<precision>[0-9]+),(?P<scale>[0-9]+)\)', re.IGNORECASE), 'decimal({precision},{scale})'), ] def _type_to_hql(schema, level_=0): """Converts dataframe type definition to hive type definition. Args: schema (dict): Pyspark type definition. level_ (int): Level of nesting, debug only, no need to specify this parameter explicitly. Returns: (str) hive type definition. """ if isinstance(schema, str): logger.debug('{} {}'.format(':' * level_, schema)) if schema in _type_map: return _type_map[schema] for regex, template in _type_map_re: match = regex.match(schema) if match: return template.format(**match.groupdict()) raise NotImplementedError('{} is not supported in this place'.format(schema)) type_ = schema['type'] if type_ == 'struct': logger.debug('{} STRUCT'.format(':' * level_)) definitions = [] for field in schema['fields']: logger.debug('{} STRUCT FIELD {}'.format(':' * level_, field['name'])) definitions.append('`{}`:{}'.format( field['name'], _type_to_hql(field, level_=level_ + 2) )) return 'struct<{}>'.format(','.join(definitions)) elif type_ == 'array': logger.debug('{} ARRAY'.format(':' * level_)) return 'array<{}>'.format(_type_to_hql(schema['elementType'], level_=level_ + 2)) elif type_ == 'map': logger.debug('{} MAP'.format(':' * level_)) return 'map<{},{}>'.format(_type_to_hql(schema['keyType'], level_=level_ + 2), _type_to_hql(schema['valueType'], level_=level_ + 2)) elif isinstance(type_, dict): return _type_to_hql(type_) else: logger.debug('{} RECURSE'.format(':' * level_)) return _type_to_hql(type_, level_=level_ + 2)