Schema management

This package contains utilities for converting string to spark schema definition. This might be useful for:

  • Specifying schema as (command line) parameter.
  • More convenient interface for specifying schema by hands.

Use cases

Init Dataframe from data

Why: Sometimes you know the schema of the data, but format is not recognized by spark. Then you can read it as raw python data and apply the known schema to it. Sparkly utility will make schema definition easy and not hardcoded.

For example: You have custom format file without any type information, but types could be are easily derived.

from sparkly.schema_parser import generate_structure_type, parse_schema

data = ... parse data from file ...
schema_as_string = 'name:string|age:int'  # Note: you can get this from command line, for example
spark_schema = generate_structure_type(parse_schema(schema_as_string))
df = ctx.createDataframe(data, spark_schema)

Converts string to Sparke schema definition.

>>> parse('a:struct[a:struct[a:string]]').simpleString()
Parameters:schema (str) – Schema definition as string.
Raises:UnsupportedDataType – In case of unsupported data type.