Testing Utils

Base TestCases

There are two main test cases available in Sparkly:
  • SparklyTest creates a new session for each test case.
  • SparklyGlobalSessionTest uses a single sparkly session for all test cases to boost performance.
from pyspark.sql import types as T

from sparkly import SparklySession
from sparkly.testing import SparklyTest, SparklyGlobalSessionTest

class MyTestCase(SparklyTest):
    session = SparklySession

    def test(self):
        df = self.spark.read_ext.by_url(...)

        # Compare all fields
                T.Row(col1='row1', col2=1),
                T.Row(col1='row2', col2=2),


class MyTestWithReusableSession(SparklyGlobalSessionTest):
    context = SparklySession

    def test(self):
        df = self.spark.read_ext.by_url(...)


DataFrame Assertions

Asserting that the dataframe produced by your transformation is equal to some expected output can be unnecessarily complicated at times. Common issues include:

  • Ignoring the order in which elements appear in an array. This could be particularly useful when that array is generated as part of a groupBy aggregation, and you only care about all elements being part of the end result, rather than the order in which Spark encountered them.
  • Comparing floats that could be arbitrarily nested in complicated datatypes within a given tolerance; exact matching is either fragile or impossible.
  • Ignoring whether a field of a complex datatype is nullable. Spark infers this based on the applied transformations, but it is oftentimes inaccurate. As a result, assertions on complex data types might fail, even though in theory they shouldn’t have.
  • Having rows with different field names compare equal if the values match in alphabetical order of the names (see unit tests for example).
  • Unhelpful diffs in case of mismatches.

Sparkly addresses these issues by providing assertRowsEqual:

from pyspark.sql import types as T

from sparkly import SparklySession
from sparkly.test import SparklyTest

def my_transformation(spark):
    return spark.createDataFrame(
            ('row1', {'field': 'value_1'}, [1.1, 2.2, 3.3]),
            ('row2', {'field': 'value_2'}, [4.1, 5.2, 6.3]),
            T.StructField('id', T.StringType()),
                    T.StructField('field', T.StringType()),
            T.StructField('ar', T.ArrayType(T.FloatType())),

class MyTestCase(SparklyTest):
    session = SparklySession

    def test(self):
        df = my_transformation(self.spark)

                T.Row(id='row2', st=T.Row(field='value_2'), ar=[6.0, 5.0, 4.0]),
                T.Row(id='row1', st=T.Row(field='value_1'), ar=[2.0, 3.0, 1.0]),

Instant Iterative Development

The slowest part in Spark integration testing is context initialisation. SparklyGlobalSessionTest allows you to keep the same instance of spark context between different test cases, but it still kills the context at the end. It’s especially annoying if you work in TDD fashion. On each run you have to wait 25-30 seconds till a new context is ready. We added a tool to preserve spark context between multiple test runs.


In case if you change SparklySession definition (new options, jars or packages) you have to refresh the context via sparkly-testing refresh. However, you don’t need to refresh context if udfs are changed.


“Fixture” is a term borrowed from Django framework. Fixtures load data to a database before the test execution.

There are several storages supported in Sparkly:
  • Elastic
  • Cassandra (requires cassandra-driver)
  • Mysql (requires PyMySql)
  • Kafka (requires kafka-python)
from sparkly.test import MysqlFixture, SparklyTest

class MyTestCase(SparklyTest):
    fixtures = [