Source code for sparkly.catalog

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import uuid

[docs]class SparklyCatalog(object): """A set of tools to interact with HiveMetastore.""" def __init__(self, spark): """Constructor. Args: spark (sparkly.SparklySession) """ self._spark = spark
[docs] def create_table(self, table_name, path=None, source=None, schema=None, **options): """Create table in the metastore. Extend ``SparkSession.Catalog.createExternalTable`` by accepting a ``mode='overwrite'`` option which creates the table even if a table with the same name already exists. All other args are exactly the same. Note: If the table exists, create two unique names, one for the new and one for the old instance, then try to swap names and drop the "old" instance. If any step fails, the metastore might be currently left at a broken state. Args: mode (str): if set to ``'overwrite'``, drop any table of the same name from the metastore. Given as a kwarg. Default is error out if table already exists. Returns: pyspark.sql.DataFrame: DataFrame associated with the created table. """ overwrite_existing_table = ( options.pop('mode', '').lower() == 'overwrite' and self.has_table(table_name) ) def _append_unique_suffix(*args): return '__'.join(args + (uuid.uuid4().hex, )) if overwrite_existing_table: new_table_name = _append_unique_suffix(table_name, 'new') else: new_table_name = table_name if hasattr(self._spark.catalog, 'createTable'): createTable = self._spark.catalog.createTable else: # before Spark 2.2 createTable = self._spark.catalog.createExternalTable df = createTable( new_table_name, path=path, source=source, schema=schema, **options ) if overwrite_existing_table: old_table_name = _append_unique_suffix(table_name, 'old') self.rename_table(table_name, old_table_name) self.rename_table(new_table_name, table_name) self.drop_table(old_table_name) return df
[docs] def drop_table(self, table_name, checkfirst=True): """Drop table from the metastore. Note: Follow the official documentation to understand `DROP TABLE` semantic.\ #LanguageManualDDL-DropTable Args: table_name (str): A table name. checkfirst (bool): Only issue DROPs for tables that are presented in the database. """ db_name = get_db_name(table_name) if checkfirst and not self.has_database(db_name): return drop_statement = 'DROP TABLE IF EXISTS' if checkfirst else 'DROP TABLE' return self._spark.sql( '{} {}'.format(drop_statement, table_name) )
[docs] def has_table(self, table_name): """Check if table is available in the metastore. Args: table_name (str): A table name. Returns: bool """ db_name = get_db_name(table_name) rel_table_name = get_table_name(table_name) if not self.has_database(db_name): return False for table in self._spark.catalog.listTables(db_name): if == rel_table_name: return True return False
[docs] def has_database(self, db_name): """Check if database exists in the metastore. Args: db_name (str): Database name. Returns: bool """ if not db_name: return True for db in self._spark.catalog.listDatabases(): if db_name == return True return False
[docs] def rename_table(self, old_table_name, new_table_name): """Rename table in the metastore. Note: Follow the official documentation to understand `ALTER TABLE` semantic.\ #LanguageManualDDL-RenameTable Args: old_table_name (str): The current table name. new_table_name (str): An expected table name. """ self._spark.sql('ALTER TABLE {} RENAME TO {}'.format(old_table_name, new_table_name))
[docs] def get_table_property(self, table_name, property_name, to_type=None): """Get table property value from the metastore. Args: table_name (str): A table name. Might contain a db name. E.g. "my_table" or "default.my_table". property_name (str): A property name to read value for. to_type (function): Cast value to the given type. E.g. `int` or `float`. Returns: Any """ if not to_type: to_type = str df = self._spark.sql("SHOW TBLPROPERTIES {}('{}')".format(table_name, property_name)) prop_val = df.collect()[0].value.strip() if 'does not have property' not in prop_val: return to_type(prop_val)
[docs] def get_table_properties(self, table_name): """Get table properties from the metastore. Args: table_name (str): A table name. Returns: dict[str,str]: Key/value for properties. """ rows = self._spark.sql('SHOW TBLPROPERTIES {}'.format(table_name)).collect() return {row.key: row.value for row in rows}
[docs] def set_table_property(self, table_name, property_name, value): """Set value for table property. Args: table_name (str): A table name. property_name (str): A property name to set value for. value (Any): Will be automatically casted to string. """ self._spark.sql("ALTER TABLE {} SET TBLPROPERTIES ('{}'='{}')".format( table_name, property_name, value ))
[docs]def get_db_name(table_name): """Get database name from full table name.""" parts = table_name.split('.', 1) if len(parts) == 1: return None else: return parts[0]
[docs]def get_table_name(table_name): """Get table name from full table name.""" parts = table_name.split('.', 1) return parts[-1]