Source code for sparkly.reader

# Copyright 2017 Tubular Labs, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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from sparkly.exceptions import InvalidArgumentError
from sparkly.utils import kafka_get_topics_offsets

    from urllib.parse import urlparse, parse_qsl
except ImportError:
    from urlparse import urlparse, parse_qsl

from pyspark.streaming.kafka import KafkaUtils, OffsetRange

from sparkly.utils import parse_schema

[docs]class SparklyReader(object): """A set of tools to create DataFrames from the external storages. Note: This is a private class to the library. You should not use it directly. The instance of the class is available under `SparklyContext` via `read_ext` attribute. """ def __init__(self, spark): """Constructor. Args: spark (sparkly.SparklySession) """ self._spark = spark
[docs] def by_url(self, url): """Create a dataframe using `url`. The main idea behind the method is to unify data access interface for different formats and locations. A generic schema looks like:: format:[protocol:]//host[:port][/location][?configuration] Supported formats: - CSV ``csv://`` - Cassandra ``cassandra://`` - Elastic ``elastic://`` - MySQL ``mysql://`` - Parquet ``parquet://`` - Hive Metastore table ``table://`` Query string arguments are passed as parameters to the relevant reader.\n For instance, the next data source URL:: cassandra://localhost:9042/my_keyspace/my_table?consistency=ONE &parallelism=3&spark.cassandra.connection.compression=LZ4 Is an equivalent for:: hc.read_ext.cassandra( host='localhost', port=9042, keyspace='my_keyspace', table='my_table', consistency='ONE', parallelism=3, options={'spark.cassandra.connection.compression': 'LZ4'}, ) More examples:: table://table_name csv:s3://some-bucket/some_directory?header=true csv://path/on/local/file/system?header=false parquet:s3://some-bucket/some_directory elastic:// cassandra:// mysql:// Args: url (str): Data source URL. Returns: pyspark.sql.DataFrame """ parsed_url = urlparse(url) parsed_qs = dict(parse_qsl(parsed_url.query)) # Used across all readers if 'parallelism' in parsed_qs: parsed_qs['parallelism'] = int(parsed_qs['parallelism']) try: resolver = getattr(self, '_resolve_{}'.format(parsed_url.scheme)) except AttributeError: raise NotImplementedError('Data source is not supported: {}'.format(url)) else: return resolver(parsed_url, parsed_qs)
[docs] def cassandra(self, host, keyspace, table, consistency=None, port=None, parallelism=None, options=None): """Create a dataframe from a Cassandra table. Args: host (str): Cassandra server host. keyspace (str) Cassandra keyspace to read from. table (str): Cassandra table to read from. consistency (str): Read consistency level: ``ONE``, ``QUORUM``, ``ALL``, etc. port (int|None): Cassandra server port. parallelism (int|None): The max number of parallel tasks that could be executed during the read stage (see :ref:`controlling-the-load`). options (dict[str,str]|None): Additional options for `org.apache.spark.sql.cassandra` format (see configuration for :ref:`cassandra`). Returns: pyspark.sql.DataFrame """ assert self._spark.has_package('datastax:spark-cassandra-connector') reader_options = { 'format': 'org.apache.spark.sql.cassandra', '': host, 'keyspace': keyspace, 'table': table, } if consistency: reader_options['spark.cassandra.input.consistency.level'] = consistency if port: reader_options['spark.cassandra.connection.port'] = str(port) return self._basic_read(reader_options, options, parallelism)
[docs] def elastic(self, host, es_index, es_type, query='', fields=None, port=None, parallelism=None, options=None): """Create a dataframe from an ElasticSearch index. Args: host (str): Elastic server host. es_index (str): Elastic index. es_type (str): Elastic type. query (str): Pre-filter es documents, e.g. '?q=views:>10'. fields (list[str]|None): Select only specified fields. port (int|None) Elastic server port. parallelism (int|None): The max number of parallel tasks that could be executed during the read stage (see :ref:`controlling-the-load`). options (dict[str,str]): Additional options for `org.elasticsearch.spark.sql` format (see configuration for :ref:`elastic`). Returns: pyspark.sql.DataFrame """ assert self._spark.has_package('org.elasticsearch:elasticsearch-spark') reader_options = { 'path': '{}/{}'.format(es_index, es_type), 'format': 'org.elasticsearch.spark.sql', 'es.nodes': host, 'es.query': query, '': 'true', } if fields: reader_options[''] = ','.join(fields) if port: reader_options['es.port'] = str(port) return self._basic_read(reader_options, options, parallelism)
[docs] def mysql(self, host, database, table, port=None, parallelism=None, options=None): """Create a dataframe from a MySQL table. Options should include user and password. Args: host (str): MySQL server address. database (str): Database to connect to. table (str): Table to read rows from. port (int|None): MySQL server port. parallelism (int|None): The max number of parallel tasks that could be executed during the read stage (see :ref:`controlling-the-load`). options (dict[str,str]|None): Additional options for JDBC reader (see configuration for :ref:`mysql`). Returns: pyspark.sql.DataFrame """ assert (self._spark.has_jar('mysql-connector-java') or self._spark.has_package('mysql:mysql-connector-java')) reader_options = { 'format': 'jdbc', 'driver': 'com.mysql.jdbc.Driver', 'url': 'jdbc:mysql://{host}{port}/{database}'.format( host=host, port=':{}'.format(port) if port else '', database=database, ), 'dbtable': table, } return self._basic_read(reader_options, options, parallelism)
[docs] def kafka(self, host, topic, offset_ranges=None, key_deserializer=None, value_deserializer=None, schema=None, port=9092, parallelism=None, options=None): """Creates dataframe from specified set of messages from Kafka topic. Defining ranges: - If `offset_ranges` is specified it defines which specific range to read. - If `offset_ranges` is omitted it will auto-discover it's partitions. The `schema` parameter, if specified, should contain two top level fields: `key` and `value`. Parameters `key_deserializer` and `value_deserializer` are callables which get's bytes as input and should return python structures as output. Args: host (str): Kafka host. topic (str|None): Kafka topic to read from. offset_ranges (list[(int, int, int)]|None): List of partition ranges [(partition, start_offset, end_offset)]. key_deserializer (function): Function used to deserialize the key. value_deserializer (function): Function used to deserialize the value. schema (pyspark.sql.types.StructType): Schema to apply to create a Dataframe. port (int): Kafka port. parallelism (int|None): The max number of parallel tasks that could be executed during the read stage (see :ref:`controlling-the-load`). options (dict|None): Additional kafka parameters, see KafkaUtils.createRDD docs. Returns: pyspark.sql.DataFrame Raises: InvalidArgumentError """ assert self._spark.has_package('org.apache.spark:spark-streaming-kafka') if not key_deserializer or not value_deserializer or not schema: raise InvalidArgumentError('You should specify all of parameters:' '`key_deserializer`, `value_deserializer` and `schema`') kafka_params = { '': '{}:{}'.format(host, port), } if options: kafka_params.update(options) if not offset_ranges: offset_ranges = kafka_get_topics_offsets(host, topic, port) offset_ranges = [OffsetRange(topic, partition, start_offset, end_offset) for partition, start_offset, end_offset in offset_ranges] rdd = KafkaUtils.createRDD(self._spark.sparkContext, kafkaParams=kafka_params, offsetRanges=offset_ranges or [], keyDecoder=key_deserializer, valueDecoder=value_deserializer, ) if parallelism: rdd = rdd.coalesce(parallelism) return self._spark.createDataFrame(rdd, schema=schema)
def _basic_read(self, reader_options, additional_options, parallelism): reader_options.update(additional_options or {}) df =**reader_options) if parallelism: df = df.coalesce(parallelism) return df def _resolve_cassandra(self, parsed_url, parsed_qs): return self.cassandra( host=parsed_url.netloc, keyspace=parsed_url.path.split('/')[1], table=parsed_url.path.split('/')[2], consistency=parsed_qs.pop('consistency', None), port=parsed_url.port, parallelism=parsed_qs.pop('parallelism', None), options=parsed_qs, ) def _resolve_csv(self, parsed_url, parsed_qs): parallelism = parsed_qs.pop('parallelism', None) if 'schema' in parsed_qs: parsed_qs['schema'] = parse_schema(parsed_qs.pop('schema')) df = path=parsed_url.path, **parsed_qs ) if parallelism: df = df.coalesce(int(parallelism)) return df def _resolve_elastic(self, parsed_url, parsed_qs): kwargs = {} if 'q' in parsed_qs: kwargs['query'] = '?q={}'.format(parsed_qs.pop('q')) if 'fields' in parsed_qs: kwargs['fields'] = parsed_qs.pop('fields').split(',') return self.elastic( host=parsed_url.netloc, es_index=parsed_url.path.split('/')[1], es_type=parsed_url.path.split('/')[2], port=parsed_url.port, parallelism=parsed_qs.pop('parallelism', None), options=parsed_qs, **kwargs ) def _resolve_mysql(self, parsed_url, parsed_qs): return self.mysql( host=parsed_url.netloc, database=parsed_url.path.split('/')[1], table=parsed_url.path.split('/')[2], port=parsed_url.port, parallelism=parsed_qs.pop('parallelism', None), options=parsed_qs, ) def _resolve_parquet(self, parsed_url, parsed_qs): parallelism = parsed_qs.pop('parallelism', None) df = path=parsed_url.path, format=parsed_url.scheme, **parsed_qs ) if parallelism: df = df.coalesce(int(parallelism)) return df def _resolve_table(self, parsed_url, parsed_qs): df = self._spark.table(parsed_url.netloc) parallelism = parsed_qs.pop('parallelism', None) if parallelism: df = df.coalesce(int(parallelism)) return df